Writing an essay powerpoint
Essay Topic On Jfk Assassination
Sunday, August 23, 2020
Leadership in the Work Environment
The capacity to be an effective chief doesn't focus on being a specialist in the undertakings of the organization. On the off chance that one is a chief in a packaging organization, achievement won't get from the quantity of containers that are topped, yet by arranging work force to be powerful in the product offering that tops the jugs. All things considered, the boss must compensation a firm †yet generous †job with representatives so as to make the workers as gainful as conceivable inside the stupendous plan of organization objectives. With regards to the staff who contain the totality of the workforce, there can be issues that exist that are to some degree antagonistic. Regardless of whether representatives are discontent with colleagues or there is a displeasure coordinated towards the board, such threatening vibe must be tended to by a successful administrative pioneer in order to come back to a degree of amicability and profitability. So how might I apply my aptitudes to be a powerful pioneer? By utilizing my abilities at getting assorted variety; and adequately conveying so as to encourage my position of authority. No workplace will be totally amicable and it is the supervisor’s duty to successfully reestablish a feeling of congruity to the workplace. This will require an incredible position of authority with respect to the chief, yet excessively frequently individuals will accept administration implies being firm or, more terrible, domineering. Such activities may deal with a momentary premise, in any case, such a cumbersome methodology will prompt disappointment. So as to be a viable pioneer, one needs to temper immovability with a sympathy and affectability that will enormously take into account more grounded holding among the board and worker. This holding will in the long run give the force forâ subordinates to follow the rules of those in influential positions and administrative positions. On a benchmark level, there should be an understanding regarding the intricacy that can exist inside the workforce. Frequently, that multifaceted nature gets from the incredible decent variety of the individuals who contain the total of the workforce. Individuals originate from varying backgrounds, from a large number of societies, ages, foundations, and so on. Along these lines, misconception can result from an absence of comprehension of the social sensitivities of the people. On a benchmark level, it is the supervisor’s/manager’s obligation to turn out to be knowledgeable in decent variety. There are those pundits of decent variety preparing that propose that such preparing is a misuse of efficiency. This is a very automatic response to the subject that isn't completely situated as a general rule. The explanation behind this is the time spent on assorted variety preparing will permit the manager to see how to discuss viably with those under their oversight. This capacity to convey on a socially touchy level will take out a considerable number of issues that may exist in the workplace condition. By wiping out these issues, profitability is not, at this point truly undermined. Obviously, there should be a strong improvement of essential open school (composed and oral) so as to adequately manage their subordinates. Without strong open aptitudes, an administrator will always be unable to viably introduce organization approaches or significant issues to representatives. At the end of the day, there can be no initiative without powerful informative capacities. How effective could any chief be if the capacity to regulate was sabotaged by being insufficient in the job as a companyâ communicator? More than likely, the boss would be extremely insufficient in even the most minor parts of the position considerably less exceptionally intricate and delicate perspectives. Think about the accompanying: when a director viably speaks with subordinates while treating affectability to the employees’ explicit needs and concerns, at that point the representatives creates and demeanor that will be all the more ready to follow the rules of the administrator. At the end of the day, administration becomes powerful in light of the fact that confidence and trust in the authority of the boss becomes insisted. Think about the contrary outrageous: the disappointed administrator who utilizes dangers of disciplinary activity or verbal belittlement as a methods for ‘motivating’ representatives. While such strategies may compel representatives into following the mandates that have been advanced, they will do so hesitantly. Much of the time, such workers will be hoping to leave such a vocation when the open door grants. While these representatives may take orders from an unrivaled, the prevalent is scarcely being a powerful pioneer and CERTAINLY such activities can not be utilized to streamline any threats that may exist in the workforce. All things considered, hostile strategies of this kind must be dodged no matter what. In summation, so as to be a fruitful pioneer and smooth over any issues that may emerge in the workforce requires two things: an affectability towards the decent variety of the workforce and a strong expertise in open capacities so as to successfully pass on the message of authority. In the event that these territories are missing, compelling initiative will be sabotaged. On the off chance that these aptitudes are created to a huge degree, the capacity to be a successful pioneer will be enormously upgraded. At last, it turns into the decision of the individual whether to grow such aptitudes and it will be a genuine pioneer will respond to the call.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Working In Partnership In Health Care Social Work Essay
Working In Partnership In Health Care Social Work Essay Errand 1.1. As Health and Social consideration personals occupied with the Health and Social Care Work clarify the various degrees of working associations over the area utilizing the 3 association levels, Service client experts, relational and Organizational and approach levels. Investigate these association connections across various degrees of Health and Social consideration administrations including your own Health and Social Care work place where you drew in with administration clients and different partners of your workplace. ANS: Health and Social Care experts have an indispensable job among the organization laborers. Each level and expert gathering depends upon an action which identifies with the presentation of the gathering. There are various degrees of each gathering and various frameworks persuade them to be adjusted. Presently we will talk about the three degrees of working in association concerning the Health and Social consideration: Administration client experts: As we realize that human services experts are a piece of gathering that identifies with the administration clients mean while the administration clients additionally assume a fundamental job and give an impact on proficient gathering. It is beneficial to examine the significance of help laborers since they are to work in organization with clients of the administrations and they additionally help them in getting confident. Experts offer assistance clients to offer them with some additional settlement in the shorter time yet they regularly are not able to do long haul benefits. Bolster laborers perform work in organization administrations clients and help them in keeping up their business as usual. So as to attempt day by day undertakings and make a few alterations in these to ensure administration clients get some the transient objectives yet they not go to do as such in prolonged stretch of time. The report shows that the outcomes enlighten us regarding the requirement for the admini stration clients to help the clients in emotional wellness bolster laborers to improve there bunch productivity so as to get an expert profile in the interim, they clarify that every one of human services experts alongside the administration clients ought to have a more clear insightful nature of help work so it might help them in situating the wellbeing division to a more elevated level. Relational Level: The second and still to some degree significant degree of Health and social consideration in organization working is that of relational; in this classification the class of resigned laborer for example mature age class think that its less hard to offer the needs in less requesting manner since they have abundant of time to perform there task. A large portion of the individuals in the classification of who more youthful age bunch than this resigned class feel somewhat disengaged and this make it increasingly hard to satisfy their wants. Thus these prompts more stress on the relational level working in organization. Henceforth the relational gathering will in general work the relationship with various degrees of gatherings and cause them to pass on their wants all the more successfully. Subsequently working in bunches makes it simple for them to guarantee that they have a decent understanding with in their gathering which makes their life simple. The manner by which practices and neigh borhood wellbeing administrations work seem to isolate next to these penniless gatherings. It may be the case that they have too many clashing needs or are less gifted at arranging their picked arrangements. Authoritative level: The significance of association working investigates when we study it at the authoritative level. The idea of organization greatly affects works social strategy issue. Henceforth another idea emerges when we need to talk about association and joint effort, on the grounds that both of these have a few subjects new Labors social approach, for the most part in regard of the opportunity of wellbeing and social consideration. In spite of the fact that the terms are scarcely ever explicitly clear and risky to contemplate, in many understandings organizations has some unwavering quality upon great frameworks of between proficient affiliation. By experiencing the past writing on the social conduct of callings, and in the mean time the idea of between proficient working, One of the examination shows that successful shared working inside wellbeing and social consideration is hard to acquire, for the most part in the light of the colossal distinction in power and culture between an assortment o f word related groupings, and the normally serious landscape of calling jar for district in similar zones of movement. It shows that the issues which are maneuvered carefully should be settled before what they should make it troublesome and henceforth are appropriately comprehended; an allegorical application to the total advantages of organization with no other way thus it helps in keeping up business as usual and yield proficient association working. In the mean time we can likewise keep up a legitimate job for social work in the circumstance of association working at the association level which has a splendid job and zone of study that make it progressively useful has along these lines not characterized in addition the reason is connected and is special from the related experts. Evaluation Criteria secured: (P1.1, P1.2) Undertaking 1.2. Basically clarify how the significant government acts and enactments gives a superior structure to the Health and social consideration experts to work in association with administration clients, different partners and entomb authoritative levels. Ans: The administration assumes an exceptionally essential job in creating Health and Social consideration division through changes and acts. UK government is additionally working upon it and kept an awesome record in making changes and presenting Acts of Parliament and their informative notes which control where appropriate, with orders on congruity where appropriately implementable. Most laws that cause individuals to find out about the results of organization working likewise help individuals with learning inabilities so as to apply that to different examples. Some of them have stressed on kids; Others offer there administrations for all age gatherings. The fundamental guideline of the game which is to some degree matter of concern are probably going to have an effect on the lives of all age gatherings, with learning or physical inabilities, are about: Youngsters security and Care; Uncommon instructive requirements for Children and patients; Broad instruction and preparing; Network care administrations; human rights; segregation. The present structure of UK open area wellbeing and social administrations, and the subsequent connections between its National Health Service (NHS) and nearby government, are not an arranged perfect but rather a trade off. These beat contentions for a nearby government arrangement dependent on: The critical association of neighborhood experts in wellbeing administrations Keep up a well-spoken way to deal with wellbeing in its broadest insight The equitable establishment of nearby specialists Neighborhood determination and adaptability as opposed to national consistency. So contrasts in culture and to be sure in money and responsibility frameworks could at present block endeavors to separate the hindrances. Notwithstanding the potential advantages for clients, carers, networks and residents. Evaluation Criteria secured: (M1.1) Undertaking 1.3. Basically assess how strengthening of administration clients would make better norms of wellbeing and social consideration in your own association and by and large in the entire nation. Utilize the models of administration clients to clarify your contentions. Ans: Healthcare framework should be described by elevated levels of resident strengthening and administration client bunches so as to make it increasingly powerful. Administration clients have immense access to enormous information of data about human services and along these lines they can have a decent alternative to pick where to have the executives. Transference of medicinal services in Sweden to neighborhood and territorial government had lead to social insurance being composed by the necessities of nearby occupants instead of at national level. From an oppressive point of view, at national level there exists various associations including the Board of Health Welfare, the Medical Responsibility Board, the Swedish Council on Technology Assessment in Health Care, the Pharmaceutical Benefits Board and the Medical Products Agency. The National Board of Health Welfare, which includes a wide range of obligations inside the fields of social administrations, wellbeing and clinical admin istrations, ecological wellbeing, transferable sickness avoidance and control and the study of disease transmission, produce a report of medicinal services execution the nation over consistently. Two of the panel individuals on the Pharmaceutical Benefits Board, which directs the estimating of meds, are from administration client gatherings. Administration clients have likewise been requesting a progressively equivalent relationship with their wellbeing experts and are done tolerating the customary job of the patient as a detached beneficiary of care. Their calls for more prominent association in their own consideration have been heard and have likewise supported government and wellbeing suppliers to detail arrangements with increasingly aspiring destinations of empowering the inclusion of administration clients in the arranging and conveyance of wellbeing and social consideration administrations. There has been a ton of study being held to improve the norm and assessed the significance of administration client bunches strengthening. Consequently the examination of another wellbeing plan Smith, Prosser, Joomun (2007) delivered a few outcomes administration clients mentality for wellbeing bolster laborers through the center gathering conversations and a progression of interviewes. The motivation behind the examination was to decide the viability and sufficiency of some one of a kind exhibition which is offered by help staff. The discoveries assign that both assistance clients and administration guests regarded the relationship of the wellbeing bolster laborers. So also in prior research Corcoran (1985) discovered that patients outlook of paraprofessional and expert specialists. Corcoran picked that the patients were quicker to search for help from paraprofessional then expert specialists, with territories, for example, consistency and information presents no huge contrast. The two articles offer solid help for the utilization and work of paraprofession
Friday, July 10, 2020
Essay Topics For 8th Grade - What Should You Use?
Essay Topics For 8th Grade - What Should You Use?Essay topics for 8th grade are based on popular themes, including math and science. Not every topic should be chosen from these topics, as some topics are best taught by other teachers in the classroom, but there are some topics that have been effectively used.One of the most used essay topics for 8th grade is how to make good grades. This theme can be successful and engaging because it emphasizes the students' ability to perform research and develop productive solutions to pest problems. If teachers can relate the topic to the students' learning styles, it can become very effective.Themes are useful when teachers are testing the essays in a particular subject, such as English literature or History, in order to determine which ones will work best in the class. And, since this theme is proven to be successful, students will have no trouble solving the correct solutions that will meet the standards and goals of the teacher.An important e ssay topic for middle school is 'Reading and Writing.' To meet this standard, the topic must help students develop their reading and writing skills in a fun, stimulating manner. Not every topic is appropriate for middle school; teachers should decide on which subjects will work best for students based on their specific interests.One of the most popular essay topics for middle school is called 'Reading and Writing Math.' This theme should focus on developing mathematical concepts in a way that is relevant to the grade level being taught. The most effective essays will focus on developing math skills that relate to the material being presented in the class.Another popular essay topics for middle school is 'Reading and Writing and Global Studies.' This theme includes a balanced presentation of topics, which will allow students to learn all of the skills they need to succeed in an international student's studies. Byexploring all of the subjects, students will be able to prepare for the tests they will have to take to prove their academic skills.Themes have proven themselves time again as effective methods of teaching students how to write. Therefore, they should be considered as often as possible. They give students a chance to learn and develop their own style of writing, which they can use to enhance their studies and to achieve the success they desire.
Wednesday, May 20, 2020
Strength Training Exercises For Children - 1020 Words
In his New York Times article â€Å"Strength Training as a Family Affair,†Anahad O’Conner takes a step into the debate whether children should participate in strength training exercises. With being with New York Times since 2003 writing articles relating to science, health, and nation issues, O’Conner has a understanding of this ongoing topic. Doctors have â€Å"Warned†parents to keep their children out of the weight room, but â€Å"Why†he asks. In this op-ed article, O’Conner does what he does best, and develops reasoning’s on strength training exercises for children. In his op-ed article, Anahad O’Conner urges children to begin strength training at a younger age. There are about 30 million children participating in organized sports, and three to four million of those children are getting injured. This does not point to the lack of muscle strength, but strengthening of specific muscles is going to leave the children less vu lnerable. â€Å"Number of studies show that strengthening the muscles around the knee reduces risk of knee injuries†. Knee injuries are very common in young children, and starting strength training will help prevent those specific injuries. We are not looking to build muscle, but are looking for more of very light weight with higher reps, or even body weight exercises. Children that have seen doctors were told to just rest up, and take it easy. They decided to get another approach, and were told to starting strengthening, and they were back in no time with veryShow MoreRelatedThe Effects Of Exercise Training On Functional Performance1000 Words  | 4 PagesEffects of Combined Exercise Training on Functional Performance in Children with Cerebral Palsy: A Randomized Controlled Study Spring 2017 EPR 214-QL Professional Reflection Brandon England The University of Alabama at Birmingham PROCEDURAL SUMMARY My Professional Reflection summarizes the procedures and statistics used in a randomized controlled study on the Effects of Combined Exercise Training on Functional Performance in Children with Cerebral Palsy. This study was published in January 2017 inRead MoreEssay On Strength Training769 Words  | 4 Pageseffect of strength-training exercises for the trunk and lower extremity on strength, balance, and motor function in children with spastic diplegia cerebral palsy (CP). The study applies to my intervention because I want to work on strengthening the trunk muscles to increase core stability. The study design of the research is a randomized controlled trial. It is appropriate for the study question because it compared children who received strength training in the experimental group to children who receivedRead MoreChildren Youth Sports Schools Are Out Of School, Socially Oriented Institutions1350 Words  | 6 PagesChildren-youth sport schools are out of school, socially oriented institutions aiming to harmoniously develop children, teenagers and youth, promote health and physical conditions via physical education and sport, play a guiding role in physical education work with the general schools in the area of its location, and cover the preliminary and medium phases of developing high level of sportsmen in the Republic (1). Involvement in sport of children and youth and systemic works with them is of primaryRead MoreBenefits Of Weight Training Is Right1085 Words  | 5 Pagesweight training is right has been a controversial issue; warning that it could lead to injury. Children and adolescents can enhance their muscle strength with regular workouts. As maintained by (Rahl, 2010), weight training should be done under the professional provision to ensure that it’s effective and safe. Risks of injury, among the youth under the strength training program are similar to those from other forms of sports and exercise. It can also be noted that the advantages of strength trainingRead More Effectiveness of Adolescent Resistance Training Essay1651 Words  | 7 PagesAdolescent Resistance Training Abstract Studies have been conducted to show that there is little evidence to attest resistance training on adolescence stunts growth, lessens bone density, or does harm to adolescence. Within these studies there are facts to coincide with scientific evidence that will show through longitudinal and double blind control groups that strength training has more effectiveness in helping adolescence then it does causing long term defects in these children. ResistanceRead MoreThe Physical Activity Guidelines For Americans ( U.s. Department Of Health And Human Services918 Words  | 4 Pagesimportance of eating a well-balanced, nutritious diet and drinking plenty of water to be healthy. However, when it comes to exercise, opinions vary on what is best. Many doctors urge patients to simply walk more, however, an equivalent amount of time spent performing some form of resistance training versus walking may be the superior choice. Resistance (or strength) training improves a person’s overall health, enhances their quality of life, and can increase life expectancy. 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Introducing students weight training as a form of physical activity will help them keep their bodies healthy and reduce the chances of health related illnesses. â€Å"PE teachers should want their students to be competent and excel in exercise-related skills for life justRead MoreThe Effects Of Task Oriented Training On Mobility Function1683 Words  | 7 Pagesexamine the effects of task-oriented training on mobility function in children with cerebral palsy†(p. 308). No significance statement was in the report, however, it can be suggested that the significance was found in how much improvement is attainable for children with cerebral palsy with the task-oriented strength training therapy. Background/Literature Review and Theoretical Framework The researchers begin by defining what cerebral palsy is and how it affects children. The other research this articleRead MoreBenefits Of Functional Aerobic Exercise1624 Words  | 7 Pagesregimen every day. CrossFit exercises consists of performing many simple movements that make up one complex movement. These movements are based on movements that we perform in our everyday lives. The base of all of the complex movements is the core, so it is important to have good core stability. To achieve a successful workout and improve one’s physical well-being, one must train under the ten major fitness domains: cardiovascular and respiratory endurance, stamina, strength, flexibility, power, speed
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Analysis Of His Last Bow An Epilogue Of Sherlock Holmes
â€Å"His Last Bow: An Epilogue of Sherlock Holmes,†written by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle is the very last of the 56 published Sherlock Holmes stories. In this account we see Holmes depart from his typical crime solving role, instead acting as a spy in an effort to foil a German spy’s attempt to smuggle state secrets out of Great Britain. Although he ultimately wins the day, this is not your typical Sherlock Holmes tale. The primary theme of the story was a rather clear message to a war weary English citizenry that although times were tough, the Allies would prevail in the fight against the Central Powers and England would not only recover, but be a stronger nation in the end. To put the theme into context, keep in mind that this tale takes†¦show more content†¦And all the time this quiet country house of yours is the centre of half the mischief in England, and the sporting squire the most astute secret-service man in Europe. (Doyle) It also served as a warning to his audience that spies could be anywhere and they must remain vigilant because they are often quite capable of deceiving nearly everyone around them. The overall mood of this work is fairly light hearted, with Holmes and Watson taking time to reminisce about days gone by before hauling Von Bork, the story’s antagonist, off to Scotland Yard. â€Å"The two friends chatted in intimate converse for a few minutes, recalling once again the days of the past, while their prisoner vainly wriggled to undo the bonds that held him.†(Doyle) Prior to their departure for Scotland Yard, their final conversation may seem to be a bit of foreshadowing for a events to come in a future Sherlock Holmes saga, but with this being Doyle’s final work it’s obvious that was not the case. I believe it’s actually meant to exhibit the mood of the English citizenry and serve as a renewed call to arms while offering reassurance that England was on the right side of such a horrendous war. Holmes. Theres an east wind coming, Watson. Watson. I think not, Holmes. It is very warm. Holmes. Good old Watson! You are the one fixed point in a changing age. Theres an east wind coming all the same, such a wind as never blew on England yet. It will be cold and bitter,
Comparing the Republic to the Modern Society free essay sample
The relevance of The Republic to our modern society In Plato’s The Republic, Plato illustrates what his ideal city would look like. He describes the educational systems, ideal legislators and the purposes of democracy. The republic influenced many people to understand the purpose for democracy, and it led to new philosophical schools of thought. Although this work was written hundreds of years ago, it still affects our modern world today. One of the most important things that Plato stresses is the importance of education. Without education of the masses, democracy would cease to exist. When Plato was forming his ideal society, he stressed the importance of education for several reasons. Most importantly, educating citizens led to a peaceful, well-run republic. For Plato, education was not about information intake and data storage. Rather, education was drawing out the knowledge that was already in the student. He said that â€Å"the power and capacity of learning exists in the soul already†He gives an allegory of prisoners in a cave, who have never seen light before. We will write a custom essay sample on Comparing the Republic to the Modern Society or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page They become free, come out of the cave and see the light. They understand that the shadows are just reflections of real things; they are not the real things themselves. They ascend up to a mountain and see the world for what it really is. Plato uses this story to illustrate what education does for the human soul. We are all born in a dark cave, chained to a wall and cannot see the light. We still around all day looking at shadows, which appear to be so real to us. Education breaks the chains of ignorance. We can ascend to the top of the mountain and look out onto the beautiful world. According to Plato, after the prisoners’ ascend all the way to the top of the mountain, â€Å"they must be made to descend again among the prisoners’ in the den and partake in labors and honors, whether worth having or not. †Plato notes that once a person is educated and has received knowledge and truth, they should go back and teach those who do not know. This still relevant today because we need to not be so focused on how high we climb up the ladder, but we need to be concerned with how we help others achieve their goals. This allegory is also used to describe justice. The prisoners’ in the cave do not know what real justice looks like. The people on the mountain tops must come down and give understanding to those who are lacking it. Plato goes on to describe the type of leader that would be perfect to run the ideal city. The type of leader that Plato describes is someone who is â€Å"wisest about the affairs of the state, and by whom the state is best administered and who at the same time have other honors and a better life then that of politics. â€Å" The ideal leader in Plato’s time is not much different from the ideal leader in our time period. We still want someone who knows and understands the problems of the state or country, who will be a good leader, and will be able to put the welfare of his people before his own. These characteristics are still what many people look for in a dependable leader. Plato describes that a good leader should not be caught up in their own wealth, they should care about their people. This is a very foundational idea that is still important in America today. We desire to have a leader who will be humble and care for us, instead of one that has a hidden agenda. According to Plato, economic self-interest and political power must be kept separate and not be allowed to work in combination to the disadvantage of the state. In mapping out his utopian society, Plato stresses the importance of democracy. In a short piece called democracy considered, Plato talks about how oligarchies decay into democracies and democracies decay into tyranny. Tyranny is formed from pursing one’s pleasures and appetites. Plato claims that â€Å"a man who is deranged and not right in his mind will fancy that he is able to rule, not only over men, but also over gods â€Å"He describes here that a man can not be a leader if he is deranged and thinks that he is the center of the universe. Plato then shows how democracy and tyranny differ. In describing the differences, Glacon says â€Å"They are the opposite extremes for one is the very best and the other is the very worst. †The republic shows many similarities to today’s society. We still have many of the same ideals in education and in government. This piece of work was criticized at the time it was written by is now honored and very influential. It was one of the first writings that began western thinking and formed many new beliefs that influenced the renaissance.
Thursday, April 23, 2020
Charles Dickens and Charlotte Bronte Essay Example
Charles Dickens and Charlotte Bronte Paper Like any novel depicting the theme of social deviance, the basis of the text is taken from the social and political climates that are appropriate to the time that the text is written. Indeed, during Queen Victorias reign, the social alienation of the working class as well as societies prejudices towards women helped to spawn literature that exhibited the other side of the so called coin, with stories that challenged the general social perceptions of these ostracised groups. These concepts that questioned Victorian social norms are best illustrated in the texts Oliver Twist and Jane Eyre, with both texts producing manifestations through the stories protagonists of attitudes that dont conform to the expected traits of either the working class or women. Furthermore, both Charles Dickens and Charlotte Bronte draw parallels in their respective texts to aspects of their own lives by reflecting the prejudices that they personally incurred whilst growing up in Victorian Britain. One of the central themes common to both texts that echoes the childhood of the authors particularly Dickens is the social gap between the middle class and the working class, with both authors embodying these social issues through the presentations of Fagin and Mr Bumble in Oliver Twist, as well as Mrs Reed and Mr Brocklehurst in Jane Eyre. In my opinion, the bullish attitudes that both authors are able to establish through Fagin and Mr Bumble with Oliver, and Mrs Reed and Mr Brocklehurst with Jane, are a direct reference to the middle-class bureaucrats and their oppressive treatment of the lower class. We will write a custom essay sample on Charles Dickens and Charlotte Bronte specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Charles Dickens and Charlotte Bronte specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Charles Dickens and Charlotte Bronte specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer To elaborate, parish beadles like Mr Bumble who at the time were said to have believed in the concept of giving charity to the less fortunate, are instead presented by Dickens as the oppressor, as illustrated in the various instances that Mr Bumble punishes Oliver. The only thing that can be done now, that I know of, is to leave him in the cellar for a day or so till hes a little starved down and keep him on gruel throughout his apprenticeship. Oliver Twist p. 54) This theory is further illustrated in Jane Eyre, with the depiction of Jane as the poor individual within a higher-class environment throughout the text. Consequently, this notion of inferiority in a social context, like Oliver leads to alienation. I was not quite sure whether they had locked the door; and, when I dared move, I got up, and went to see. Alas! yes: no jail was ever more secure. (Jane Eyre, p. 21) However, the significance of these episodes is not only that they show higher-societies contempt for the lower class, but also that they help to display the attitudes of the respective protagonists within these challenging environments. The use of the restrictive imagery in the cited extracts, and the noble and intelligent reactions to this harsh treatment that each protagonist gives, in my opinion enables Dickens and Bronte to produce a critique of the working classes vigour in a social context which contrasts higher-societies pre-conceived judgements of the working class as useless. By voicing the opinions that the lower class are only helpless because the social infrastructure of the Victorian age did not allow them to break away from their working class shackles, both authors transgress social norms by presenting Oliver and Jane as socially deviant to this general public perception. I am running away. They beat and ill-use me, Dick; and I am going to seek my fortune some long way off, I dont know where. Oliver Twist p. 56) The theme of slavery and restriction is further highlighted by Janes opinion of marriage, through the presentation of Cassys relationship with Simon Legree and her own marriage to Rochester, which once again enables Bronte to challenge the norms of society by offering a commentary that exemplifies the oppressive nature of men in a relationship. Although Janes most fulfilling relationship with a male character in the text is with Rochester, Bronte is still able to present Janes scepticism towards marriage in an intellectual manner that in my opinion is credible given the Victorian norms of domestic roles. Indeed, Jane only agrees to marry Rochester when she is certain that they will be both financially, intellectually and social equals. No Jane; you must not go I have little left in myself I must have you. (Jane Eyre p484) It is through the presentation of not only Rochester, but also Mr Brocklehurst and St. John Rivers that Bronte is able to convey the message that women dont have to be in a submissive position in a relationship and is another example of Brontes transgression of social norms. This is illustrated by the fact that Jane escapes Brocklehurst and rejects both St. John Rivers and Rochester before only agreeing to marry Rochester when she feels that they are equals. I want my kindred: those with whom I have full fellow-feeling. Jane Eyre p. 432) However, the most obvious transgression of social norms from a morale perspective in either text is embedded in the character of Oliver Twist, and to a lesser extent Nancy. It is the moralistic nature of these two characters which is obviously highlighted by the juxtaposition against the other characters in Fagins pick-pocket gang that reiterates the fact that the values of goodness can be common to all human beings, and is not absent in the working class just because they are of lower social standing. What was Olivers horror and alarm as he stood a few paces off, looking on with his eye-lids as wide open as they would possible go, to see the Dodger plunge his hand into this old gentlemans pocket. (Oliver Twist p. 76) Some may argue the point that Olivers noble disposition is due to the fact that he is in fact a member of the upper classes because he gains the family inheritance, however, further credence is added to Dickens argument that intelligence and nobility is not restricted to the upper classes through his portrayal of Nancy. As if to eliminate any uncertainties regarding the intelligence of the working class, Dickens places Nancy in the position of a prostitute one of the most socially condemned positions of Victorian times and yet through Nancy displays the most noble act of the novel when she sacrifices her own life to save Oliver. Those were his words, said Nancy, glancing uneasily round, as she scarcely ceased to do since she began to speak, for a vision of Sikes haunted her perpetually.
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